If you are interested in research on emotions and change in multi-cultural relationships, there are many ways in which you can collaborate with us.
Our research program strongly supports Open Access. Our results can be found here.
Relevant project data will be published on our website and shared via the Open Science Framework once they become available.
Complex issues deserve thoughtful discussion. That’s why we believe in strong partnerships with everyone involved in the field of multiculturalism.
If you are an expert, (non-)governmental agency, policy actor, … and have an important research question you would like to explore, or exchange and share expertise on emotions and change in multi-cultural relationships, please get in touch.
If you are interested in joining the research team, you can find open vacancies below. If there are no current vacancies, or none of the vacancies match your profile, you can still send us your contact details (and/or CV and motivation letter) so we can let you know when a new position is opening up.
tom.verthe@kuleuven.be or
Contact person: Tom Verthé
Tiensestraat 102
box 3727
3001 KU Leuven
“This website is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. (Grant agreement No. [834587])”
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