¿Está interesado en unirse a nuestro programa de investigación como participante?
Actualmente estamos organizando varios estudios en Bélgica. Si está interesado en nuestras actividades en curso y desea saber cómo participar, puede obtener más información sobre estos estudios a continuación.
Si no puede encontrar nada adecuado para usted, pero está interesado en participar en los próximos proyectos, puede registrarse en nuestra lista de espera en la parte inferior.
El Estudio de recién llegados comenzó en octubre de 2020 y aún está en curso. Si se ha mudado recientemente a Bélgica desde Turquía, Marruecos o Argelia, es posible que pueda participar. Haga clic en el botón de abajo para obtener más información.
El Estudio Escolar Diario Diario se está preparando en este momento. Lamentablemente, no podrá registrarse individualmente para este estudio. Si representa a una escuela que podría querer participar, haga clic en el botón de abajo para obtener más información.
No dude en compartir sus datos de contacto con nosotros para que podamos enviarle información sobre un nuevo proyecto para el que podría calificar. ¡Manténganse al tanto!
Persona de contacto: Tom Verthé
Tiensestraat 102
box 3727
3001 KU Leuven
“This website is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. (Grant agreement No. [834587])”
Copyright © 2021 | REACH
The Newcomers Study started in October 2020 and is currently ongoing.
If you recently immigrated to Belgium from Turkey, Morocco, or Algeria, we would like to invite you to participate in our study.
We are interested in your experiences after migrating here and would like to ask you some questions about the social interactions you have had.
You will receive compensation for your participation (30 + 20 Euros). The total amount of time that we ask from you, will be somewhere between 1 and 1,5 hours for the first part (a survey), and 45-60 minutes for the second part (an interview, which is optional).
We will contact you again after this first participation: once after one year, and once after two years (we call these data collections ‘waves’). We would like you to participate in the future as well, this would help us a great deal in understanding how your experiences might have changed over time. We would be very thankful if you would like to share your new experiences with us.
We will ask you before each new wave if you want to participate again, so you do not need to tell us now. You will get compensated every time you participate.
You are free to drop out of this study at any time, without having to refund prior compensations or giving us any explanation.
The Daily Diary School Study is organized through a selection of high diversity high schools.
Our research staff will take care of all logistics and develop a plan together with your school team.
If you are interested in being part of this project, please contact us by e-mail . Our project manager will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss any questions you might have.